Bridging Learning Gaps in Elementary Math
Get Your Math Coaching Journey Started Right! instructional coach Jul 25, 2023

You’ve started your new journey as a math coach! You feel excited and overwhelmed at the same time! I remember those days! There is so much to learn!  

Whether you are learning about the coach’s mindset or learning about your new expectations, it’s a lot of information to process!

Over the years, ...

Comparing Fractions: A Deeper Look comparing fractions fraction sense Jul 07, 2023

Are your students struggling with fractions? Could the way we were taught fraction concepts add to students' misconceptions?

Think about the way we were taught fractions when we were younger. We did not spend time thinking and exploring with unit fractions, the very building block of fractions. Thi...

The Problem with Problem Solving: One Thing That Keeps Kids Dependent on Teachers for Everything! problem solving May 18, 2023

Problem solving is an issue for many students regardless of their grade level. Students have the most difficult time understanding word problems. For this reason, teachers think they have to guide them through each problem. 

This is done with the best intentions! We hate seeing students get problem...

How to Use "New Math" to Build Fraction Sense using Composition and Decomposition of Fractions composing decomposing fractions Apr 18, 2023

“Cross multiply… just do it! Don’t ask why! It works every time!” This was an unspoken rule when I learned fractions years ago.

Many of us had the same experience. Our fraction sense was a series of memorized steps. Where did it get us? It made us human calculators who lack the ability to reason a...

No More Bandaids For Our Students: How To Use Data To Help Your Elementary Math Students Make Connections data-driven instruction Apr 18, 2023

No more tricks for our elementary math students! Let's teach for true conceptual understanding and address underlying misconceptions in an intentional way!

How often do you work with students who have significant gaps? It happens every year, but there are more students in the aftermath of COVID.
